High Court of Judicature at Allahabad has given an invitation for the recruitment of 95 Law Clerk (Trainee) vacancies. Candidates looking for Allahabad High Court Clerk Recruitment 2017 can now apply for this job on or before the due date. Various candidates in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh were waiting for this opportunity. So this is great news for those candidates, as they can now apply for latest government jobs in Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017. You can find more details regarding High Court vacancy of Clerk below.
Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017 & Upcoming Allahabad High Court Vacancy 2017
Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017 Notification is out. As per the notification of Allahabad High Court, there are 95 Law Clerk Vacancies. The qualification criteria for the law clerk jobs in Allahabad High Court are 3 or 5 years integrated course in Law/LL.B. from any recognized institution. The age requirement for the Jobs in High court 2017 is 21 to 26 years as on 01 July 2017. If you are looking for a High court vacancy of clerk then this is the right time. Interested candidates may apply for Law Clerk Jobs in Uttar Pradesh from here.
Advt No: 01/ Law Clerk (Trainee)/17
Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017 Job Details
Name of Vacancy: Law Clerk (Trainee)
Total No. of Vacancies: 95 Posts
Eligibility Criteria for High Court Vacancy of Clerk
Educational Qualification For Government Jobs in Allahabad
03 Years Professional or 05 Years Integrated Degree in Law (LL.B) from any Law College or recognized institution with computer knowledge.
Age Limit For www.allahabadhighcourt.in vacancy
The age limit for government jobs in Allahabad High Court is 21 to 26 years as on 01-Jul-2017.
Job Location
Uttar Pradesh
Selection Process
The selection process for Allahabad high court clerk recruitment 2017 is going to be made on the basis of Interview.
Law Clerk Salary Details
Candidates applying for High Court vacancy of clerk will be paid pay scale of Rs. 12500/- (Per Month) remuneration.
Application Fee
Candidates applying for law clerk job in UP have to pay Rs. 300/- (Three Hundred) through bank draft, drawn in the favor of Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad.
How to Apply For Allahabad High Court Clerk Recruitment 2017
Interested Candidates can apply for law clerk job in UP in prescribed application format along with the attested copies of relevant documents, Bank Draft & 02 self-addressed envelope (size 5”x10”) each bearing postal stamps of Rs. 40/- (Forty) send to the Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad.
Important Dates
The Last Date for Submission of Application for is 30 June 2017
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